Eliminate Your Pain With Neuromuscular Therapy
and Myoskeletal Alignment
Certified Neuromuscular, Myoskeletal Alignment
and Medical Massage Therapy
I've been involved in the healing profession for 28 years. I graduated from University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. I also worked in Physical Therapy for 2 years in an outpatient orthopedic clinic. Furthermore, I decided to advance my training and career with a Master's program in Neuromuscular Therapy. With these specializations I opened a practice in Redondo Beach, California where I concentrate on Neuromuscular, Myoskeletal Alignment and Medical Massage Therapy.
Neuromuscular Therapy is a program of soft tissue manipulation techniques that balance the central nervous system with the structure and form of the musculoskeletal system. Neuromuscular Therapy can help individuals experiencing structural distortion, biomechanics dysfunction and pain. Physical traumas, strains and emotional stress can create imbalances in the body which lead to physiological dysfunction. These imbalances eventually if left untreated will manifest as pain. This type of therapy locates and releases spasms or hyper contraction in the tissues. It also rebuilds injured tissues restoring strength and flexibility, improving venous and lymphatic flow.
Myoskeletal alignment techniques are an integration of osteopathic principles with structural integrative work. These joint stretches help to find and to alleviate chronic postural pain patterns. You have to fix joint dysfunction so the receptors in the joint will pacify and muscle guarding will subside. This restores balance and symmetry to the body.
At the initial visit, I will evaluate for postural and biomechanical dysfunction. This analysis determines the cause and effect relationship to pain. Soft tissue manipulation with manual therapy helps to determine if there is ischemia, trigger points, nerve entrapment or compression. When the body in in alignment homeostasis occurs which is balance to all the body's systems. From this analysis, I devise a treatment plan based on individual needs.
In addition, I'm also certified to perform Medical Massage through insurance reimbursed through Medpay but only if an automobile accident has occurred. Medical Massage therapy is an insurance based business in which massage techniques are chosen to address a specific dysfunction or pathology. Treatment requires a Physician's prescription, specific diagnosis and CPT code. I translate diagnosis codes into meaningful clinical pathologies or treatable problems under the supervision of a Physician.
Lastly, I worked with the San Diego Chargers during their training camp for two seasons. I specialized in injury prevention through soft tissue manipulation and manual therapy. This treatment insured the athletes could maintain a high performance schedule.
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